Tuesday, December 2, 2008

The Dog Lover (aka. The Roomba! sh!t my floor!)

I hoped to make a, well, more positive introduction for my dogs but the occasion is ripe, so here goes! My boyfriend and I adopted 3 rescue dogs, and they're totally adored by us (most of the time). But since the new dog, Abby, was adopted last month, they've decided they're no longer consistently housebroken. Lovely, eh? So today, I had the mostly awesome privilege of coming home from work to Beagle poop in a most new and unexpected situation. This wouldn't be the first time our Beagle, Ruby, pooped in the house, but it's a rare thing. (She likes to slink off into a corner in stealth mode to tinkle whenever she finds an opportunity though). She drops her typical Tootsie Roll stools in the backyard like a good pooch usuall but today was special. Not only was it indoors, it wasn't her typical firm little candy-like dingle berries, it was mushy and BIG...which is relevant for this story. So, I have a German Shepherd too, Abby, and Ruby can't hold a candle to the small horse size dung dropped by Abby. So what do I have to complain about? Well a few weeks ago, we purchased this nifty thing called a Roomba!, a robot vacuum. I programmed it to vacuum the house daily while we're away at work. Starting to get the idea? Yes, the dog pooped first, and then the robot started on it's daily quest, but this time, instead of cleaning my tile floor, it pushed... pulled... smeared and otherwise evenly dispersed Ruby's mushy poop all over the living room tile floor. I knew at the time I would eventually find the humor in this...but just not at that particular moment. After about an hour scrubbing the floor, it seems a bit less catastrophic here in the Menagerie Mind. After dinner, I tackle cleaning the Roomba! Lucky me. Oh, the joys of pet ownership!


  1. I can relate to the tears and joys of dog ownership. My 2 year old doxie, Elliot, always poops in the same spot. In our old house I always new where those spots where. However, I justed moved to a new house and he's still trying to figure out his favorite poop spots. Needles to say I've had a few poop encounters, including stepping on it and dragging furniture and boxes over it. I installed a doggie door, but he hasn't taken to it yet. But, I have to say that your Roomba encounter takes the cake...or, poop.

  2. Not to laugh at your expense, but that is hillarious! At least it washes out! I wish you had taken a picture-- but I'm pretty sure that coming home to that, I wouldn't have thought- "Hey, lets get the camera out and make some memories!"
    Great story. Keep 'em coming!

  3. Thank You SO much for your Roomba story. I needed to hear it. We had the same experience last night (Christmas Eve)We have 2 feet of snow outside and my 13-year-old dog "Al" apparently decided going outside wasn't such a great idea. My daughter was flying into Seattle so I was getting her old room ready for her arrival. Anyway, I put Roomba to work and went downstairs to do a million other things. Well, you know the rest of the story. Dog poop evenly smeared on the carpet over every square inch--even under the bed. I've never seen (or smelled) anything like it. No way to rent a carpet machine on Xmas Eve so I spent 4+ hours doing the best I could by hand. Needless to say, the room is uninhabitable. Door shut window open with snow flying and fans blowing. In case anyone is wondering if Roomba really does cover an ENTIRE room--well yes-sir-ee, it sure does. Merry Christmas to all!

  4. Had the same experience last night. Last night we somehow didn't notice our dogs accident... unfortunately roomba found it. Such a fun way to end a day.

  5. I have a different problem. My American Eskimos don't like Roomba. At least one of them has figured up how to turn it on, and at least one thinks it is making a statement by pooping on the Roomba itself when it parks on its charger. Havent caught the culprit so I have to play the waiting game.

  6. My cocker spaniel did the same thing two nights ago. The roomba found its way into my office and that's when i noticed the smell. Luckily I have hardwood, not carpets, but getting the roomba clean is tricky. I can't seem to find all the poop in the wheels/undercarriage. How did you clean it all off?

  7. I broke the Roomba down after the poop on it had dried (removed the filter and brushes) and cleaned each piece individually with an old toothbrush, and, of all things, a dental pick. I'm not sure how I came to possess a stainless steel dental pick but it sure does come in handy for the oddest of jobs! By turning the wheels I was able to get them entirely de-pooped. Once I had the "chunks" removed, I cleaned the rest of it up with a damp rag. This has happened more than once to me. I'm getting to be a real pro at this! But I think I need to replace the Roomba with a new one. Too many poop runs and seems it'll be on its last leg in short order.
