Sunday, October 7, 2012

What If? Exercise 2

Okay, second things first...what is up with the blogger editor? I spent more time trying to get my entry formatted correctly than actually writing the damned thing.  I tried MSWord, Google's word processor, and just native blogger editor and it NEVER comes out like what it's supposed to.  Where is the WYSIWYG editor?  This is stupid.  So I apologize up front for the formatting errors, which I'm frankly tired of trying to get right.  And now...

First things first, well, I apologize for falling off the face of the planet (or this blog more specifically) when my late son's birthday rolled around.  It was the first birthday after his death, and it leveled me flat.  Then came my birthday, which was equally miserable.  And Mother's Day is forever unbearable for me now.  

Luckily I started a new job in the video game industry around that time, so I had a lot to keep me busy, for which I was extremely grateful.  So I was doing pretty well until the anniversary of his passing this past month.  I immersed myself in video games for nights on end.  Still am as a matter of fact.  

Borderlands 2 is the first FPS (first-person shooter) that I've really truly taken to.  I love that game, mostly because it has a female character that I can play, it has co-op so I can play with Jason, and it feels very MMORPG-ish with multiple quest lines and lots and lots of loot!  Anyway, so I'm getting along well, loving my new job, finding things to occupy my time, and picking up the pieces as best I can.  

I have been writing amazingly enough.  I have 10, albeit small, chapters written on my very first trashy romance novel!  It won't be for everyone, my females are less “warm and fuzzy” and more “strong no-nonsense ass kickers” surprise for those of you who know me.

I recently attended a lecture for writers and learned that I may need a more organic way of writing than to plan out an outline first.  It seems to take out all the fun for me apparently.  I'll keep experimenting and working on the novel as inspiration hits.  So far, I love the story and I have no idea where the characters are going to take me (Kim and Jake that is).  That's exciting! 

So I'm going to start back up with my writing exercises, where I left off.  Here goes!

Exercise 2 (from What If? by Anne Bernays and Pamela Painter)

Using one sentence written in exercise 1, write ten second sentences that will take the story in entirely different directions.

1)   Jenny cracked the gum in her mouth as she looked out the filmy window of the salon and watched Leonard Maynes wave his handgun around haphazardly while lumbering down the middle of Main Street.
      "Darlene, yer husband is at it again!" she squawked back toward the rinsing bowls as she locked the front door and picked up the phone and started dialing 911.

2)   Jenny cracked the gum in her mouth as she looked out the filmy window of the salon and watched Leonard Maynes wave his handgun around haphazardly while lumbering down the middle of Main Street.
      She looked down at her wristwatch, as it was only a matter of time before the sheriff came and hauled him off to jail to sober-up after yet another drunk and disorderly charge, and she was hoping that Will Brutaker would go along for the ride and she'd have a chance to chat with him and see if he'd go to the fair with her this weekend.

3)   Jenny cracked the gum in her mouth as she looked out the filmy window of the salon and watched Leonard Maynes wave his handgun around haphazardly while lumbering down the middle of Main Street.
      It took her a minute to notice the rambling gate and green-gray of his skin...if she didn't know better she'd say Leonard looked more like a zombie than the dairy farmer living down on route 53 who drank too much.

4)   Jenny cracked the gum in her mouth as she looked out the filmy window of the salon and watched Leonard Maynes wave his handgun around haphazardly while lumbering down the middle of Main Street. She pushed open the screen door of the salon, stomped right out to Leonard, pulled the gun out of his hand, and cuffed him upside the head with her free hand.

5)   Jenny cracked the gum in her mouth as she looked out the filmy window of the salon and watched Leonard Maynes wave his handgun around haphazardly while lumbering down the middle of Main Street. She watched nonplussed as old Joe Moriarty walked out to him, hands on hips, and tried to talk some sense into the recent widower that wasn't dealing with things all too well.

6)   Jenny cracked the gum in her mouth as she looked out the filmy window of the salon and watched Leonard Maynes wave his handgun around haphazardly while lumbering down the middle of Main Street. She'd have just ignored him, again, but when he got closer, she saw the blood spattered across the front of him so she picked up the reception phone and quickly dialed 911.

7)   Jenny cracked the gum in her mouth as she looked out the filmy window of the salon and watched Leonard Maynes wave his handgun around haphazardly while lumbering down the middle of Main Street. Just like Lana Maynes to drive her husband to a fit of public drunk and disorderly, that poor man never stood a chance against the likes of that bitch.

8)   Jenny cracked the gum in her mouth as she looked out the filmy window of the salon and watched Leonard Maynes wave his handgun around haphazardly while lumbering down the middle of Main Street. 

      "Hey, Fiona, did you piss off Leonard again?" Jenny asked casually and went back to filing her nails.

9)   Jenny cracked the gum in her mouth as she looked out the filmy window of the salon and watched Leonard Maynes wave his handgun around haphazardly while lumbering down the middle of Main Street. And following four or five paces behind him was his ever-faithful hound, Ben, with his head hung low, obviously embarrassed enough for the two of them.
10)  Jenny cracked the gum in her mouth as she looked out the filmy window of the salon and watched Leonard Maynes wave his handgun around haphazardly while lumbering down the middle of Main Street. As she walked out of the salon toward him, Leonard turned toward her, put the gun in his mouth as he looked at her, and pulled the trigger, blood and brain matter exploding out the back of his head.

Friday, March 2, 2012

What If? Exercise 1

My mom bought me a new book for Christmas: "What If?" by Anne Bernays and Pamela Painter.  It's a book full of writing exercises for the creative writer.  

Exercise 1

Write ten opening lines for ten different stories.  Try to make it suck the reader into the story with that one sentence.

1)     The brass snapped decisively as Trevor clicked closed the clasps of his briefcase and stood from the table, wondering if it were possible that his dreams had really all just come true in an instant.

2)     Jenny cracked the gum in her mouth as she looked out the filmy window of the salon and watched Leonard Maynes wave his handgun around haphazardly while lumbering down the middle of Main Street.

3)     It was unseasonably cold for early May but it didn’t do anything to keep the smell of death out of the air as Detective Jukes looked over the blue-tinged skin of the nude body laying face down on the merry-go-round in Peace Park this fine Sunday morning.

4)     The barn door screamed and banged as the wind blew it open and closed, giving glimpses of the orderly hay bales within but it was the eyes peaking out at him from the 2nd-story windows of the large dingy white farm house that really irritated him.

5)     The blare of the oncoming pickup’s horn tore Lana’s attention away from the cigarette she was trying to light with trembling hands and back on the road where she righted her little coupe back into her own lane and cursed the day she’d ever set eyes on Brian Baker. 

6)     The service station was closed and the mastiff barked aggressively against the glass as Stark looked in the windows to see where the cash register was located.

7)     The lights of the rooftop bistro atop the Towne Royale hotel were seductive, the music tempting, the greenery provocative, and yet none of it was necessary as he landed his eyes on Ema Lane with her mane of auburn hair, long curvy legs and lips that made a man beg for more lies.

8)     I’ve always hated the smell at funerals and this time was no different.

9)     Jake sat in the undersized chair outside the principal’s office and stewed.

10) Two parka-clad bodies huddled over a hole in the ice sat motionless until the sound of gunfire cracked across the ice-covered lake.

A Creative Writing Exercise

My teacher got this exercise out of a book, but I didn't catch the name of it.

In 20 minutes, write a story with 26 sentences, each sentence starting with a consecutive letter of the alphabet.  Include one sentence fragment and 1 sentence that is 100 words long and grammatically sound.

After Nira looked into the water, she realized her mistake.
Being a mermaid on land, she wanted so badly to dive back in immediately.
Coming to the water's edge had been such a strong desire though and she thought she could handle it.
Disciplined as she was, she realized it was too much in her nature to be submerged, fluid surrounding her, tailfin unfurled in all its luxuriant glory, spreading wide to catch the water and push it away strongly with her lower body and feel herself propelled through the liquid like a gust of wind let loose in a stagnant room, knowing that she could go on forever, the wide expanse endless and full of possibilities, and she shouldn't have put herself in such a difficult situation as she was now, standing near the water's edge, tailfin itching to be let loose.**
Enough had already gone wrong and she needed to keep her mind on task.
Focusing hard, she turned her back and stepped away from the water, each step taking great effort.
Getting about ten feet away, she started to feel the pull toward the water to loosen its grip within her.
Happy with herself for certain.*
I don’t want to go home just yet” she said to herself.
Just as she really started to relax she heard a splash behind her.
Keeping her heart from leaping from her chest took such effort as she turned to see Darius airborne, coiling his magnificent tailfin, legs magically separating, and him landing solidly on the ground just a few feet from her.
Looking at him in shock, Nira was still.
Maybe he wasn’t here for her, she thought, and closed her eyes and said a little prayer.
Nira, what the heck are you doing on land?” Darius asked, hands on hips.
Opening her eyes, she swallowed hard. 
Please don’t take me back just yet, my father doesn’t understand why I need to do this Darius,” she pleaded.
Questioning her father was never a good idea. 
Really, Nira, what could possibly be so important to take such a serious risk?” he asked.
She looked at him then with a quiver in her lip, and said “Love?” with more question than certainty.
True love is waiting for you, Nira, but you aren’t going to find it on land” Darius retorted.
Uncertain where he was going with that statement, Nira gave him a hard look.
Valiant as ever, Darius has come to save the day and do my father’s bidding”, she exclaimed bitterly.
Wouldn’t her father be pleased with Darius returning with her in tow, she thought.
Xanadu just wouldn’t be the same without you, Nira. Please come home...Your father didn’t send me”, Darius said softly with a furrowed brow and outstretched hand. 
You came on your own? But Why?” she stammered.
Zillions of thing rushed through her mind at light speed, the pieces of a puzzle all falling into place and she realized that Darius loved her and she him, her true love had been right there all along, not somewhere out here on land, and she placed her trembling hand in his, as Darius stepped forward and kissed her.